Evergreen Building Maintenance provides daily and weekly commercial cleaning services and janitorial services in Kelowna, Kamloops, Vernon, Penticton, Cranbrook, West Kelowna and Lake Country regions.

Daily And Weekly Kelowna Janitorial Services

35+ Years Of Professional Kelowna Janitorial Services

Call Now For A FREE Quote: 1-888-559-6870

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Hotel Janitorial Services Quote

Are You Looking For A Reliable Hotel Janitorial Services Company?

Get a hotel janitorial services quote today!

Discover why smart hotel and motel managers hire a professional hotel janitorial services company to support their in-house cleaning efforts – Click Here!

Evergreen Building Maintenance is an award-winning commercial cleaning company with the head office in Kelowna, BC.  For over 30 years Evergreen Maintenance has been providing daily, weekly, and monthly commercial cleaning and janitorial services in the Okanagan, BC area.

While our head office is in Kelowna, we have cleaning staff located in Kelowna, Kamloops, Vernon, Penticton, and Edmonton. Read more

Kamloops office cleaning services - partial body of person using an orange floor polishing machine

The Secret Of A Happy Office Environment – Experience Our Kamloops Office Cleaning Services!

Our Kamloops office cleaning services will give you a spotless, fresh feeling working environment.

Evergreen Maintenance’s Kamloops office cleaning services can help you maintain a clean, healthy environment for your employees and clients.

A clean and well-maintained office space is crucial for the success of any business. A properly cleaned office environment not only creates a positive impression on clients and visitors but also contributes to a healthy and productive work environment for employees.

At Evergreen Building Maintenance, we understand the importance of cleanliness for your business. That’s why we offer professional office cleaning services that will leave your workspace spotless and sparkling. Read more

Kamloops Retail Store Cleaning Services - One side of shopper at kitchen items corridor in Save on Foods.

Kamloops Retail Store Cleaning Services

Evergreen Building Maintenance provides Kamloops retail store cleaning services that attract customers and makes them feel comfortable in your retail store.

Make a lasting impression on shoppers and provide a great environment for first-time and repeat customers.

Evergreen Maintenance provides a professional level of Kamloops retail store cleaning services 24/7. Our custom, comprehensive commercial cleaning services support your brand image by providing a clean, fresh-smelling experience in your store.

We know that maintaining a clean store is an absolute must, not just for your customers, but for your staff as well. Read more

Kamloops janitorial services - man cleaning silver wall panel.

How to Find The Best Kamloops Janitorial Services?

The right Kamloops janitorial services company can make a world of a difference to your office environment, office building, or retail business.

Keeping your facility clean is a vital part of any business or commercial building.  A clean and well-organized workspace is important for businesses of all sizes.

Janitorial services, like any profession, have several types of service providers.  Some specialize in certain types of businesses.  Others may be able to handle janitorial cleaning for smaller businesses but not large office buildings or retail malls.  Many offer a very limited menu of services while others have specialists for any kind of janitorial or commercial cleaning work you might require for your facility.

With this in mind, finding the right Kamloops janitorial service can be a challenge.

In this article, we will provide tips on how to find the best Kamloops janitorial service to meet the needs of your business.

We will help you sort through determining your specific cleaning needs to reading reviews and asking for references.  This article will guide you through the process of finding a reliable and professional janitorial service that fits your budget.

If you follow the tips here you will be able to ensure your business has a clean and healthy work environment that promotes productivity and customer satisfaction. Read more

kelowna janitorial services yellow safety sign, mop and bucket on floor

How to Find The Best Kelowna Janitorial Services?

Maintaining a clean and healthy workspace is important for businesses of all sizes.

However, finding the right janitorial service in Kelowna can be a challenge as there are many different service providers to choose from.

In this article, we will provide tips on how to find the best janitorial service in Kelowna to meet the needs of your business.

From determining your specific cleaning needs to reading reviews and asking for references, we will guide you through the process of finding a reliable and professional janitorial service that fits your budget.

By following these tips, you will be able to ensure your business has a spotlessly clean and healthy work environment that promotes productivity, helps reduce absenteeism due to illness, and increases customer satisfaction. Read more

Kelowna Business Cleaning Services

Nurturing Greatness – How A Commercial Cleaning Company Consistently Provides Higher Quality Business Cleaning Services

Everyone wants consistent, high quality business cleaning services, but they seldom think of evaluating the management team when deciding who to hire.

Sure, you can have a cleaning crew that does excellent work from time to time, but to have all your janitorial cleaning crews putting their heart and soul into the work day after day, month after month is very unusual. Read more

Professional Banquet Hall Cleaning Services

Hiring a professional banquet hall cleaning services company is a solid way to increase bookings and decrease overall running costs.

If you, like many banquet halls, have your own cleaning staff and you might feel that you don’t need a professional company to come in and do the work your staff is already doing.

That is only partially true.

Yes, of course, a professional banquet hall cleaning services company can do the normal surface level cleaning that your staff does, but they can do so much more that your staff doesn’t have the training or equipment to do. Read more

Professional Church Cleaning Services

A Professional church cleaning services company can offer benefits your full-time or part-time janitor may not be able to provide.

If you don’t have a dedicated janitor for your church, consider hiring a church cleaning company instead of hiring someone directly.

Evergreen Building Maintenance understands how important it is to keep your church clean, sanitized, and disinfected.

It is important to keep high standards of cleanliness in a church simply because it is sacred.  People are coming in and out of the church throughout the week so you want to make sure everyone gets a clean and healthy environment for worship whenever they come. Read more

Hotel Janitorial Services

Beyond Housekeeping: Why Hotels Need To Outsource Commercial Cleaning Expertise

Since most hotels already have their own cleaning staff, why would they need to outsource hotel janitorial services?

Here’s how outsourcing hotel janitorial services can make a hotel manager’s life easier:

Going on vacation is a pretty special time for a family. Their stay at a hotel is always part of the experience. Whether they stay for just a day or several weeks, the hotel is their home away from home.

Quality hotels realize the importance of cleaning for the satisfaction of their guests and the reviews they often leave online.  They know a clean hotel is a make-or-break proposition for their business. Read more