Kelowna office cleaning hack

Simple Office Cleaning Hack Improves Productivity And Increases Happiness

Calling something a “hack” is the trendy way to say something is remarkably effective and is easy to do but people may not appreciate its value.

Kelowna office cleaning isn’t really a trendy topic at parties or little known, but it is super effective and easy to do (if you hire Evergreen Building Maintenance, of course). Read more

Kelowna retail cleaning services

Kelowna Janitorial And Retail Cleaning Services For Health And Profit

Evergreen Foundation Supports Local Heroes Of The Okanagan

It can be pretty easy to take things for granted.

We get up in the morning, have a quick breakfast, head out to work.  People at work are pretty good to be around…we spend all day there, then head back home for a nice supper, watch some TV, hang out with the kids and have a restful sleep.

That’s the way most people live around here. Read more

Kelowna Janitorial Services Company – Gets Consistently Great Office Cleaning!

Spotless Reception Area Office Cleaning

Car Dealership Reception Cleaning – Does Your Reception Area Have That “Just-Cleaned” Look No Matter What Time Of Day?

The most important part of office cleaning is the reception area.  Regardless of the type of business, the reception area of your office is often the first tangible touch-point your customers have with your business.

And, since it’s the first thing they see, that’s where they will form a long-lasting positive or negative impression of your business.

The condition of your reception area – its layout, lighting, style and upkeep—all weigh-in on the overall impression your customers will have about your business and what to expect.

If your workspace is welcoming, you will have a good chance of building a good client relationship.

The opinion of customers on it will start as soon as they step near the front door.  Everyone notices when things are clean, germ-free, and tidy – and when they are not. Read more

Car Dealership Cleaning Services In Kelowna - couple with car keys

Professional Car Dealership Cleaning Services In Kelowna

Are the challenges of car dealership cleaning services in Kelowna any different from retail store cleaning, or other commercial cleaning services?

In fact, there are a lot of differences.

When a prospective customer comes into a car dealership, sure, they notice the shiny new cars, but they also notice the perfectly clear glass and the shiny floors too.

If the cars are shiny and new and the floors are scuffed and dirty, all of a sudden that brand new car starts to look like a little less attractive.

On the other hand, if the cars are shiny, the floors are shiny, and the showroom smells fresh and free, the customer gets a “good feeling” about the company.

Make your car dealership in Kelowna attractive to clients by hiring a commercial cleaning company that specializes in car dealership cleaning services in Kelowna.

Evergreen Building Maintenance knows the special challenges of car dealership cleaning, and we can help you make your customers feel more comfortable in your dealership. Read more

Retail Store Cleaning And Janitorial Services

How Retail Store Cleaning And Janitorial Services Help Attract And Keep Customers

The right retail store cleaning and janitorial services company can make a real difference in the success of your retail business.

If you’re imagining your staff happily whistling as they clean toilets, polish sinks, polish floors, and mop the floors in your store’s restrooms, think again… You already know it’s not going to happen at the level a dedicated team of professional cleaners can do it.

As you strive to operate a profitable business, I know you have thought long and hard about providing excellent service and competitive costs.

What about the appearance of the physical premises of your business?  Yes, your logo and business cards are important, but how much of an impact do you think your storefront has on your customer’s decision to walk into your store?

Once in the store, will customers stay long enough to make a purchase?  Or will they quickly leave because there is dirt on the shelves, displays, and a bad smell in the store? Read more

Medical Office Cleaning

The Right Medical Office Cleaning Company Can Help Prevent Cross-Contamination

The most important part of medical office cleaning is cross-contamination and infection control.

When a patient walks in the door the last thing they want to have happen is cross-contamination from other people’s illnesses.

Make sure your medical office or dental office is cleaned and sterilized without the worry of harmful micro-organisms that can aggravate already weak immune systems. Read more

Woman in white shirt sitting in an office chair at a desk and laptop, wearing gloves - Professional office cleaning - Evergreen Maintenance commercial cleaning and janitorial services.

How A Professional Office Cleaning Company Prevents The Spread Of Viruses

A professional office cleaning company can play a vital role in controlling the spread of viruses.

Every year people get sick from the flu and other viruses. When people are unable to report to work it causes millions of dollars of lost profits for companies in BC. Read more

Office cleaning in board room with high end furniture

Top 3 Ways People Judge Office Cleaning In The Okanagan

Office cleaning – does it really matter to clients and staff?

The more a client values your company the more likely they are to want to do business with you.

Same goes for staff.  If you want to attract and keep the best employees, they have to value your company over others. Read more